Name Our Boat continued....


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"I One" Owner says, he won a law suit and used the money to buy "I One".

"Honey Hush" Owner says it was either Shut Up or Honey Hush.

"Sea Striker" Boat owner also owns Sea Striker brand fishing equipment (lures etc.).

"Weldors Ark" Started out with a small welding business and boat, both grew into an Ark.

"Fowl Hooked"

Touch the Sun

Second Star

"Willow Brook" Named after a historic farm in Pennsylvania

"Southern Comfort" From a narrowed down list of names the daughter insisted on this one.

"Southern Justice" The owner's last name is Justice, so why not ?

"Wirth the Wait"

Dr. Wirth says it "was Wirth the Wait"

"Murmuration"... a flock of starling

Family name is Starling, we flock up.